Applications & systems for parents
SIMS Parent App
What will you find in the SIMS Parent App:
- School term, inset dates and contact details available at the click of a button Access to electronically update your contact details, for up-to-date emergency information.
- Important push messages from school, including event reminders and newsletters
- Information about your child’s attendance and attainment
The SIMS Parent App is an on-demand app, which can either be downloaded to an Android or Apple phone, or accessed via a website. There is no charge for accessing the Parent App.
Please read through this Quick Start guide.
If you encounter any problems with the system, please email
ParentPay is an online payment system which allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, trips and activities. Your child will not need to carry cash into school and you can simply top-up your ParentPay account online by debit or credit card or at a shop offering PayPoint. If preferred, students can bring cash for school meals into school to top up at the loader. You do not need to download this as an app and can access this via a web browser. Parents will be provided with details on how to access their ParentPay account as part of their welcome pack.
Our catering contractor, Innovate, provides our school meals at Ashton Park . Students and staff will purchase their lunch and snacks by placing their index finger on the Biometric Reader which triggers payment from their online account. Students who qualify for Free School Meals may also use the biometric system to receive their lunch.
If you need any further information or advice please contact
Google Classroom
All our Home Learning will be set via Google Classroom which students can access via their school address. Parents will be invited to accept an invitation to receive guardian summaries. Guardian summaries are emails from Google summarising all the work your child has been set. We have written a guide to using Google Guardian Summaries Supporting your child with home learning using Guardian Summaries
If you have any more questions about home learning please contact